Graneledone yamana

Graneledone yamana
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Cephalopoda
Order: Octopoda
Family: Octopodidae
Subfamily: Graneledoninae
Genus: Graneledone
Species: G. yamana
Binomial name
Graneledone yamana

Graneledone yamana is a new species of octopus from the genus Graneledone. G.yamana belong to this genus because of the absence of an ink sac and crop, the presence of cartilaginous warts covering the body cavity, reduced radula, and having uniserial suckers. This genus has been found in the deep waters of the Atlantic Ocean near hydrothermal vents. This species identifying characteristics are papillose skin, two horns located above the eyes, small gills, and 5-7 lamellae located on the outer of the demibranch. The arms of G. yamana have 35-80 suckers on the females and 26-70 on the males. This species was discovered from the Southwest Atlantic Ocean off the coasts of Uruguay, Argentina, and Southern Brazil. G.yamana is the fifth species member of Graneledone found in the southern oceans.[1] G. yamana physically resembles the species Graneledone verrucosa, exept for the different cartialigous warts on the body cavity of both these species differ. G. verruscosa is also found in the North Atlantic ocean instead of the South.[2] Graneledone movement can be observed on the deep benthic floor.[3]


  1. ^ Kommritz J. G. 2000. A new species of Graneledone (Cephalopoda:Octopodidae)from the Southweat Atlantic Ocean. J.Mollus.Stud.66(4):5 43-549.doi: 10.1093/mollus/66.4.543
  2. ^ Allock A.L., Collins M.A., and Vecchione M. 2003. A redescription of Graneledone verrucosa (verril, 1881) (Octopoda:Octopodidae). J.Mollus. Stud. 69(2):135-143. doi: 10.1093/mollus/69.2.135
  3. ^ "Lophelia II 2009: "Seafloor Walking" Graneledone Octopus". Youtube. Retrieved 21 December 2011. 

Kommritz J. G. 2000. A new species of Graneledone (Cephalopoda:Octopodidae)from the Southweat Atlantic Ocean. J.Mollus.Stud.66(4):5 43-549.doi: 10.1093/mollus/66.4.543 Allock A.L., Collins M.A., and Vecchione M. 2003. A redescription of Graneledone verrucosa (verril, 1881) (Octopoda:Octopodidae). J.Mollus. Stud. 69(2):135-143. doi: 10.1093/mollus/69.2.135